3/7/2008: Featured Presentation: University of South Florida

I spent the last couple of days at the University of South Florida where I had been invited to give a talk in the College of Public Health as part of their Dean's Lecture Series.  I had been invited to talk about the changing landscape of teaching and learning with technology and meeting student expectations.  I t was interesting because this was not a technology focused conference or anything, as a matter of fact the Dean told me it was the first time they invited someone from outside the Health Sciences to be a part of this lecture series.  I planned on spending time sharing some early results from our most recent technology survey from PSU, but I just wasn't able to digest the latest data and integrate it into my talk.  I did spend quite a bit of time talking about student expectations and sharing thoughts on a handful of themes that have emerged in the teaching and learning space.  

I have to say that I enjoyed this opportunity as much as any others in the recent past.  I had a great time talking to everyone I spent time with, from the Dean to the ID staff … it was really a smart and energized group of people.  I enjoyed the time I spent after the talk in meetings with people as well — so many challenges that we face are also high on the radar at USF.  The one thing that made me chuckle a bit were the posters they had up informing people of my talk.  First rate group all the way!  Grab the PDF of the slides … usf_preso_final.pdf


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