I’d like to see us build a set of shared bookmarks using the social bookmarking site, del.icio.us … here is the Wikipedia entry for del.icio.us. This site enables a person to create an account and quickly store Internet sites with a single click. There a couple of things that make this very different than simply bookmarking a site … I am sure you are all familiar with the concept of bookmarks, so I won’t go into that. Using a tool like del.icio.us gives you the ability to easily:
- Create a set of bookmarks that are available to you anytime you have web access
- Share your bookmarks with anyone on the Internet
- Create your own taxonomy (or set of keywords/categories) to keep track of what you are bookmarking
- See how others are tagging the same sites you are saving
To this end, I will be requiring everyone to first establish an account with del.icio.us and create a personal repository of shared bookmarks. I will be asking you to use a specific tag (ist110) along with the ones of your choosing, and to write a brief blog post providing a review of 2 of your sites, why they are relevant to the current week’s class work, and why you chose the tags you did. I will then ask that you review another member of the class’s blogpost and comment on it. You will complete 5 of these during the semester. Each will be 20 points for a total of 100 points. Assignment Details Here are the basics of the assignment:
- Create an account at del.icio.us
- Share your account with the class by adding it to this page
- Bookmark sites using your de.licio.us account using whatever tags you decide on, but all bookmarks for this class should also include the tag ist110
- For each entry, create a blog post with a brief description of 2 sites that seem somehow related to the assigned topic. Make sure you briefly discuss why you selected the two sites, include the link to the sites, and the tags you have decided upon and why you picked those tags.
- Make sure your blog post uses the following tags … Assignmnet Type = Social Bookmark, Completed By = Individual, Courses = 110, Post Type = Blog Entry, Semester = Fall 2005
Assessment Each post will be completed individually and will be worth 20 points. Here is how I will assess your work:
- Blog post is titled with your name and the assignment number. For example, Cole Camplese: Social Bookmark Post 1 — 5 Points
- A review of two (2) sites are posted. Each review should discuss how the site is related to the material being covered in class. Review discusses why you chose to bookmark the site, what the URL is for each, and the tags you used when you bookmarked (Remember to use ist110 as a tag!). Also discuss why you decided on the tags you did. — 10 Points
- Your blog post must use the tags Assignmnet Type = Social Bookmark, Completed By = Individual, Courses = 110, Post Type = Blog Entry, Semester = Fall 2005 — 5 Points
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